Tracey Bond DREAM WINterviews Celeb Dad Christopher Pearman at Sea
Dream So Big Author Coaches at Sea

Tracey Bond Book Chats w/ Celeb Dad Chris Pearman (Source: Tracey Bond, PhJrn #BondGirl007eNewsRoom)
Authors Tracey Bond and Christopher Pearman: Celebrity Dad (of The View's show host, Raven Symone) exchange thoughts about the principles of His book "DREAM SO BIG in an exclusive #007WINTerview that set sail at Eugene Sidney's "Fashion On The Sea" event in Marina Del Rey, Ca.
Big dreams are timeless...here's one of my most favorite Bond Girl signature #007WINterviews that took place on one of the Hollywood hautest days of the Summer season ( Sep. 13th, 2015) in Marina Del Rey)...and released into the New Year's Day, to help some BIG DREAMERS find their way...(Audio information available at #BondGirl007eNewsRoom / #DreamSoBig/ #SpeakIntoThePodlight)
In a Bond Girl *007* WINterview exclusive: “KILLING FEAR with DREAM CATCHERS" a thoughtful exchange with Christopher Pearman ( Celebrity Author & Dad of actress Raven Symone as seen on The View and Disney Star of "That's So Raven"
TB007: Hello (CP soft laughter)“¦And Hello! Christopher Pearman
CP: Hey how are you doing?
TB007: Man, I am doing very well“¦all is well! This is ahhhmazing!
CP: Is it?
CP: Good to see you“¦talking on the phone and sharing our thoughts w/ each other and about life in the world and then to be able to see you; I am very proud“¦excited about this.
TB007: Thank you CP That means so much. Its amazing how dreams ambitions and passions have a way of converging - all on their own w/o any kind of human manipulation; its so nice when its organic and its real.
CP: Well the reason Tracy is because its energy ““ energy that´s been around since the beginning of time, and so when we start to manipulate that energy & start to focus in on those energies those start to come to you. That´s what life is all about!
TB007: Oh so you´re saying that we should manipulate the energy.
CP: Oh Absolutely!
TB007: Oh so talk about that a little bit more! And 1st of all before you start talking about it ““ we really need to know who it is we are talking to. So I said yes: “HELLO CHRISTOPHER PEARMAN!“ But who is CP to you ““ introduce yourself CP. Q: Who are you?
CP: Ok. Well some may know me by ““ I have a famous daughter ““ her name is RAVEN SYMONE and
TB007: You know “THAT´s SO RAVEN“ (smile)
CP: “THAT´S SO RAVEN“ yes ““ and THE VIEW“ for Raven too, see ““ Yeah, that RAVEN SYMONE!
CP: Ahh isn´t that something ““ now you don´t realize its almost 30 years in the business. Its almost 30 years. Not many child actresses or actors really you know, do this. So ahh - yeah - let me give you a little background. When my daughter was 2 years old and we were living in Atlanta, she said “Daddy I want be on the Cosby show. And (ah) we quit our jobs, gave it a year to drive into New York to hopefully meet him - to make that happen. Now there´s a lot more that´s involved in it (which is in my book) but due to the constraint of time, I´ll just shorten it up a little bit for you. And so 11 1/2 months later: went out for a movie called “Ghost Dad“ starring Bill Cosby ““ and she didn´t get that part. But the people that were casting for that movie ““ were the casting people for The Cosby Show and said “Would you like to meet Bill Cosby tomorrow?“ The rest is history - he met her - put her on the show - now the world knows her as Raven Symone. As you can tell there´s energy there ““ from that first thought of my daughter saying “I´m going to be on The Cosby Show“ - and me meeting that thought and saying “its possible.“ We made that strategic and powerful move - forward - towards that dream ““ towards that goal - and by doing that - that´s the energy I was telling you about, the universe will bring you what you need what you´ve declared for, I believe with you.
TB007: Alright, alright tell me more ““ I see this book that you have on the table ““ and for sake of ebvents and time I know we´re hear enjoying this wonderful {“Fashion On The Sea“)} cruise ““ I hope that you can hear the melodic ambience going on in the atmosphere, but there´s a fashion show about to start upstairs - and we don´t wanna miss that- but give us some fast facts about this book that you have sitting here on the table..
CP: Well after I retired from my daughter´s career: everybody up until that point always wanted to know how she made it. They want to make it ““ their children to make it ““ whatever the case ““ whatever their dream was and I didn´t have an answer for them, Tracey really “It was always either “keep hope alive, or you know, keep believing and keep your eye on the sparrow.“
TB007: And keep keep on ““ keep keepin´ on.
CP: Yeah, that was never really good enough for me growing up, I just wanna tell you that; because you can tell me that but then when I get home, I don´t see anything I have to work with.
TB007: Wellllllllll! Talk about it!
CP: Hmm! But, what I have is very practical principles in which I call the dream catchers...and when you focus in on these dream catchers ““ while applying them to your life ““ you start to see changes in your life ““ okay for one pay attention. Number 1 dream catcher: “Pay Attention“: ““ you know how powerful paying attention is.
TB007: Oh its tremendous.
CP: Exactly! Its its - its an energy isn´t it?!
TB007: And you can´t afford NOT TO!
CP: And you can feel it. If you can walk into a room ““ you know sometimes you just feel sometimes that people are just looking at you?
TB007: You know it - I know you know it“¦but I KNOW YOU KNOW IT!
CP: You feel it on the back of your neck!
TB007: And if they don´t look something´s wrong isn´t it? Your energy ““ that´s what I say!
CP: (Laughing) The next one is believing ““ know it! 1st it was believing that had to transcend to knowing because there´s a difference. I thought believing was the all-in, just believe. Not really I´m giving you an example: If I came to you and said “Can you ride that bike?“ You would say believe I can, but then you ask somebody else and said “Can you ride that bike? And you say “¦
TB007: “I know I can! I´m there“¦“
CP: “¦Its a BIG difference - I put it together and said: “Believe/Knowing“
CP: About this Dream CatcherPicture: What you will see in your outside reality, you 1st have to see it in your mind.
TB007: That´s the TRUTH! It starts in the mind“¦
CP: It starts in the mind ““ if the mind is blank“¦all this gon´ be blank. You understand what I´m sayin´?
TB007: Wellll“¦welllll.
CP: So a lot of times I ask people “Q: What are you thinking about? A: I ain´t think about nothing?
Q: Then where are you goin´?“
TB007: Shootin´ blanks“¦that´s what they doin!
CP: (Laughing) Next one is “Aim Straight: Anytime you wanna hit your target. I don´t care what you have bow and arrow, to a gun - or even to your dream and direction you wanna go. You have to go straight forward. My daughter never would´ve been on the Cosby Show had I gone to California instead of New York.
TB007: I know that´s right!
CP: You understand what I´m saying? To make a dream for me: that my daughter would never have to work for me, like really“¦to depend on ““ but for herself or whatever that dream came true for me. If I die today ““ my life is actually fulfilled - everything else now is gravy because I made my daughter´s.
TB007: You sleep well don´t you!
CP: Exactly: The Next one is Get Real: When you concentrate on your dream and what you wanna do. You have to be real about it to yourself!
TB007: All day“¦
CP: Don´t be 3´ foot 5 and wanna play basketball - when you can´t really attempt to get from above the people´s belt line. Its difficult I´m not saying its impossible = I wanna say but kinda get real about it.
TB007: Haaaa: Unless you´ve got some heckkkkkkuva reach!
CP: Yeah, yeah exactly, or some great hops“¦ah, but basically what it does is be able to look at your dream ““ and look at every aspect of the vision that you have in your mind about it; and as you see each step ““ know that you can achieve it ““ know that you can do it ““ you know what I´m saying? And if you start to see that you can do it? And you adjust - but don´t just blindly fall into it and then do it ““ that´s a way you can hurt yourself. What I´m saying is KILL FEAR!
TB007: Now that´s the truth You have to see it 1st ““ start there“¦
CP: it kills fear! Fear is a DREAM KILLER! A lot of people that can see their dreams, unless they´re afraid to. You ever heard of people that sabotage their own? That´s out of fear.
TB007: All day: Ohhh yes SABOTAGE is real! And self-sabotage is the worst wouldn´t you agree?
CP: And fear is such an illusion that you shouldn´t even want to fathom; and you have to eliminate that fear. You have to understand that regardless of the fear that´s ahead of you: STEP FORWARD ANYWAY! A lot of people don´t understand this. My daughter had fake fear - of singing the national anthem - and I made her sing that national anthem, all the time“¦even though that first note: “Oh-ohhh say“¦“ first slow note would drive her crazy - but I knew I had to get her over that hump ““ instead of her not getting over it. You know what I´m saying? Does it make since?
TB007: I know what you´re talking about. Keiici example ““ taking on a diff task: I know what you´re taling about he was unique ““ You know what Mom I´ll sing that song ““ and he sang it well ““ he sang it well“¦““
CP: What did Raven“¦after she was able to get (over that fear)of : “Ohhh say: After she ““ did she tell you that ““ did she tell you after mastery“¦.its hard when Daddy is telling you
do that!“
CP: Confidence! Well you know what? You know where that ““ the telling comes from? That she continued to do it ““ with it? She did it and she also has platinum“¦gold albums.
TB007: I know that´s right! And that´s where it starts ““ do it anyway!
CP: Yeah, yeah so“¦that is what that´s about“¦she showed it that way and very successful ““ and that´s all that was ever required to achieve the dream at the time. You know ah and so, so so FEAR is something in the now ““ - after that? To another level ““ so lets do good. But whatever your dream is ““ makes sure it aligns with others“¦ah, and then the last one is BE YOU.
TB007: Alright“¦.THATS IT!?! That´s the grand finale?
# # #
Get Celebrity Dad: Christopher Pearman's Dream So Big book on his website at: http://www.dream-so-big.com
About Christopher Pearman as Motivational Speaker and More...(see website)
For more than two decades, much sought after nationally acclaimed motivational speaker, Christopher B. Pearman has exemplified and shared his unique, energizing, and fresh perspective on harnessing the power of our life's dreams! Christopher has helped teens and adults across North America to make positive life choices, and to achieve their steps to personal greatness. Powerful, engaging, and insightful. Christopher B. pulls no punches on the path to fulfillment. He weaves humor, life-experience, and his loving, down-to-earth persona into unforgettable messages. His message to you ““ DREAM SO BIG ““ and manifest those dreams into your reality. Regardless of your chosen goal, whether you want to be an actor, dancer, painter, writer, or doctor, it all starts with a dream, and being successful is the pinnacle of the journey.
Keep visiting the DREAM SO BIG website, and you'll be informed of Christopher's schedule of seminars, workshops, and events! Join the email subscription list to stay connected, and to enjoy special resources and content that will support you as you go after your dreams!
* * *
Writer, Educator & Author
Widely known as the inspiration and motivation behind 20 years of managing the career of his daughter, Raven-Symoné, Christopher now teaches others how to live up to their potential, and to go after their dreams! The Author of DREAM SO BIG, A Parent's Guide to Helping Your Child Believe and Achieve, Christopher teaches these same Dream Catching principles to others as a motivational speaker. He also encourages those who want to jump-start their journey by getting healthy and losing weight, and he supports their efforts through daily encouragement on his inspirational blog.
Get your copy of DREAM SO BIG, A Parent's Guide to Helping Your Child Believe and Achieve on Amazon! If you've got children to inspire, and even if you're still working on your own inner child, this book is for you!
more information: https://https://www.facebook.com/Bond-Girl-007-E-Newsroom-204441083078118/
Bondgirl007penterprises.com Fashion On The Sea Raven Symone Bondgirl007enewsroom 007winterview Tracey Bond 007 Christopher Pearman Celebrity Dad Dream So Big
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